Config #

Config is js or json object with all application options. Can contain any and same of options specialized for ifnode.

Path to config's folder ${project_folder}/config

Specialized ifnode options #

site #

Option Type Description Default
site Object Description of site url -
site.local Object Local url (use for start server) { host: 'localhost', port: 8080 } String ❘ Undefined Host for creating server 'localhost'
site.local.port Number ❘ Undefined Port for creating server 8080 Object Global url ("nice" domain of site) { host: 'localhost' } String ❘ Undefined Host of "nice" domain 'localhost' Number ❘ Undefined Port of "nice" domain undefined
site.ssl Object ❘ Undefined SSL support. Check here undefined
site.ssl.key String ❘ Undefined Full or relative (at ${project_folder}) path to key.pem (just path, not need read as file) undefined
site.ssl.cert String ❘ Undefined Full or relative (at ${project_folder}) path to cert.pem (just path, not need read as file) undefined
site.ssl.pfx String ❘ Undefined Full or relative (at ${project_folder}) path to pfx.pem (just path, not need read as file) undefined

Note #

ifnode generate special options: .site with options:

Option Description
.origin Equal to: http(s)://${host}[:${port}] (if set site.ssl - https, other - http)
.url(String pathname) Method for generate link

Example (coffeescript):

# config/dev.js
        port: 1010
    host: ''
    key: 'ssl/key.pem'
    cert: 'ssl/cert.pem'

# app.js
app = ifnode( env: 'dev' )
site =;

site.local.origin # https://localhost:1010
site.local.url '/u/1' # https://localhost:1010/u/1 # 'u/1' #


site:                  # Description of site url
    local:             # Local url (use for start server)
        host:          # [optional] By default: localhost
        port:          # [optional] By default: 8080
    global:            # Global url ("nice" domain of site)
        host:          # [optional] By default: localhost
        port:          # [optional] By default: null
    ssl:               # SSL support. Check here -
        key:           # Full or relative (at project_folder) path to key.pem  (just path, not need read as file)
        cert:          # Full or relative (at project_folder) path to cert.pem (just path, not need read as file)
        pfx:           # Full or relative (at project_folder) path to pfx.pem  (just path, not need read as file)

Note: ifnode generate config option .site with options:
    .origin                   Equal to: http(s)://${host}[:${port}] (if set site.ssl - https, other - http)
    .url(pathname: String)    Method for generate link

application #

Option Type Description Default
application Object Application and express() settings -
application.environment Name of environment Name of config file (if config by file) or 'local' Object Hash of express application settings. List here Predefined options check below String env option Same as application.environment['view engine'] String Template 'jade' String Path to application views ${backend_folder}/views['x-powered-by'] Boolean Add to response header express.js mark false (sorry, express.js :) )
folders Object Hash of pathes to application components Check below
folders.extensions String Folder of extensions ${backend_folder}/extensions
folders.components String Folder of components ${backend_folder}/components
folders.views String Folder of views ${backend_folder}/views
folders.controllers String Folder of controllers ${backend_folder}/controllers
folders.models String Folder of models ${backend_folder}/models


application:                # Application (and express()) settings
    environment:            # Name of environment. By default: name of config file (if config by file) or "local"
    express:                # Hash of express application settings (list:
        env:                # By default: name of config file (if config by file) or "local"
        "view engine":      # By default: jade
        views:              # By default: ${backend_folder}/views
        "x-powered-by"      # By default: false (sorry, express :) )
        extensions:         # Folder of extensions.  By default: ${backend_folder}/extensions
        components:         # Folder of components.  By default: ${backend_folder}/components
        views:              # Folder of views.       By default: ${backend_folder}/views
        controllers:        # Folder of controllers. By default: ${backend_folder}/controllers
        models:             # Folder of models.      By default: ${backend_folder}/models

middleware #

Option Type Description
middleware Object Definition of middleware. Object key is name of node_modules or extension name, value is module's configuration

More information about ifnode middleware read here.

Below specialized ifnode middleware:

middleware.body: #
Option Type Description
middleware.body Object Build on body-parser node module
middleware.body[${parser}] Object ${parser} - name of parser, options - hash of ${parser} options. Check here


    'body': {
        'text': {},
        'urlencoded': {
            extended: true
        'json': {
            limit: '500kb'
middleware.statics: #
Option Type Description
middleware.statics Object Build on serve-statics node module. Has three variant of initialize static files
middleware.statics[options] String ❘ Object ❘ Array Check options here


middleware:                            # External middleware modules (examples: connect-multiparty, cookie-parser etc)
    ifnode middlewares:
        body:                          # Build on body-parser module
            '${parser}': options        ${parser} - name of parser, options - hash of parser options. See here:
        statics:                       # Build on serve-statics module. Tree variant of initialize static files
            path: String                Options see here:
            variants: Object
                path1: options,
                path2: options,
            variant: Array
                { path2: options },

db #


db:                                     # Initialize options of databases (models schemas)
    name_of_db:                         # Name of database connect
        schema: # name of schema #      # Schema name (for choose of schema)
        config: # schema config #       # Config of database connection

components #


components:                             # Initialize options for components of ifnode
    name_of_component: # options #
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