Controller #

Description #

ifnode have possibility to build own web-API interfaces.

Controller can be extended by external plugins (example: ifnode-auth, ifnode-permissions etc)

Definition #

JSDoc syntax #

 * @typedef {Express.Request} IFRequest
 * @property {?Object}  data

 * @typedef {Buffer|Array|String|Object} IFResponseData

 * @callback request_ok
 * @param {IFResponseData}  [data]
 * @callback request_fail
 * @param {IFResponseData}  [data]
 * @callback request_error
 * @param {IFResponseData}  [data]
 * @callback request_unauthorized
 * @param {IFResponseData}  [data]
 * @callback request_forbidden
 * @param {IFResponseData}  [data]
 * @callback request_not_found
 * @param {IFResponseData}  [data]

 * @typedef {Express.Response} IFResponse
 * @property    {request_ok}            ok
 * @property    {request_fail}          fail
 * @property    {request_fail}          bad_request
 * @property    {request_fail}          badRequest
 * @property    {request_unauthorized}  unauthorized
 * @property    {request_forbidden}     forbidden
 * @property    {request_not_found}     not_found
 * @property    {request_not_found}     notFound
 * @property    {request_error}         error
 * @property    {request_error}         err

 * @callback nextHandler
 * @param {Error}    [error]

 * @callback routeHandler
 * @param {IFRequset}    request
 * @param {IFResponse}   response
 * @param {nextHandler}  next_handler
 * @param {nextHandler}  next_route

 * @callback errorHandler
 * @param {Error}        error
 * @param {IFRequset}    request
 * @param {IFResponse}   response
 * @param {nextHandler}  next_handler
 * @param {nextHandler}  next_route

 * @typedef {Object} ControllerOptions
 * @property {string}   [root]
 * @property {string}   [name]
 * @property {Object}   [router]
 * @property {boolean}  [ajax]
 * @property {Object}   [map]

 * @interface Controller

 * @function Controller#constructor
 * @param {ControllerOptions}   [options]

 * @function Controller#before
 * @param {...routeHandler} callbacks

 * @function Controller#param
 * @param {string}      name
 * @param {function}    expression

 * @function Controller#method
 * @param   {string|Array.<string>} methods
 * @param   {string}                [path]
 * @param   {Object}                [options]
 * @param   {...routeHandler}       callbacks
 * @returns {Controller}

 * @function Controller#get
 * @param   {string}            [path]
 * @param   {Object}            [options]
 * @param   {...routeHandler}   callbacks
 * @returns {Controller}

 * @function Controller#post
 * @param   {string}            [path]
 * @param   {Object}            [options]
 * @param   {...routeHandler}   callbacks
 * @returns {Controller}

 * @function Controller#put
 * @param   {string}            [path]
 * @param   {Object}            [options]
 * @param   {...routeHandler}   callbacks
 * @returns {Controller}

 * @function Controller#patch
 * @param   {string}            [path]
 * @param   {Object}            [options]
 * @param   {...routeHandler}   callbacks
 * @returns {Controller}

 * @function Controller#delete
 * @param   {string}            [path]
 * @param   {Object}            [options]
 * @param   {...routeHandler}   callbacks
 * @returns {Controller}

 * @function Controller#del
 * @param   {string}            [path]
 * @param   {Object}            [options]
 * @param   {...routeHandler}   callbacks
 * @returns {Controller}

 * @function Controller#error
 * @param   {errorHandler}  custom_error_handler
 * @returns {Controller}

 * @function Controller#use
 * @returns {Controller}

 * @function Controller#use
 * @param   {...routeHandler}   callbacks
 * @returns {Controller}

 * @function Controller#compile

TypeScript syntax #

interface IFRequest extends Express.Request {
    data: Object|null

type IFResponseData = Buffer|Array|String|Object;

interface IFResponse extends Express.Response {
    ok(data?: IFResponseData),
    bad_request(data?: IFResponseData),
    badRequest(data?: IFResponseData),
    fail(data?: IFResponseData),
    unauthorized(data?: IFResponseData),
    forbidden(data?: IFResponseData),
    not_found(data?: IFResponseData),
    notFound(data?: IFResponseData)
    error(data?: IFResponseData),
    err(data?: IFResponseData)

interface nextHandler {
    (error?: Error)

interface routeHandler {
    (request: IFRequest, response: IFResponse, next_handler: nextHandler, next_route: nextHandler)

interface errorHandler {
    (error: Error, request: IFRequest, response: IFResponse, next_handler: nextHandler, next_route: nextHandler)

interface ControllerOptions {
    root?: string,
    name?: string,
    router?: Object,
    ajax?: boolean,
    map?: Object

type URLPath = string|RegExp|Array<string|RegExp>

interface Controller {
    id: string,
    name: string,
    root: string,
    router: Express.Router,
    map?: Object,
    new (options?: ControllerOptions),
    before(...callbacks: Array<routeHandler>),
    param(name: string, expression: Function),
    method(methods: string|Array<string>, path?: URLPath, options?: Object, ...callbacks: Array<routeHandler>): Controller,
    get(path?: URLPath, options?: Object, ...callbacks: Array<routeHandler>): Controller,
    post(path?: URLPath, options?: Object, ...callbacks: Array<routeHandler>): Controller,
    put(path?: URLPath, options?: Object, ...callbacks: Array<routeHandler>): Controller,
    patch(path?: URLPath, options?: Object, ...callbacks: Array<routeHandler>): Controller,
    delete(path?: URLPath, options?: Object, ...callbacks: Array<routeHandler>): Controller,
    del(path?: URLPath, options?: Object, ...callbacks: Array<routeHandler>): Controller,
    use(path?: URLPath, ...callbacks: Array<routeHandler>): Controller,
    end(): Controller,
    error(custom_error_handler: errorHandler): Controller,

Static methods #

Static methods of Controller can be useful for creating controller's plugin. Example of static methods usage you can find here.

Controller.process_config( processors ) #

Name Type Description
processors function, Array<function> Adding special processor for initializing of controller's options

_Alias: Controller.processConfig_

Controller.populate( populators ) #

Name Type Description
populators routeHandler, Array<routeHandler> Adding special middleware for populating by own properties and methods of request/response

Controller.middleware( middlewares ) #

Name Type Description
middlewares routeHandler, Array<routeHandler> Adding special middleware for process request

Controller#constructor( [options] ) #

Arguments #

Name Type Description
options ControllerOptions Options definition for controller. Below ControllerOptions are described more detailed

options #

Name Type Description
root string Root path of the controller handling (for example, /api/v1/users)
name string Controller's name path/to/controller related ${backend_folder}
router Object Options for initializing of Express.Router (check here list of possible options)
ajax boolean Configure accessibility of controller for AJAX, non-AJAX or both types of requests
map Object Hash of controllers actions. It contains key with method/path and value with action (read more about map here)

Note: all options are optional

Instance properties #

Name Type Default Description
id string UUID v4 Unique value for each Controller instance
name string /path/to/controller/ relative to app.backend_folder Controller's name. This name will used by framework when controller will be attached to Application instance (read more about controllers initializing here)
root string /path/to/controller/ relative to app.backend_folder Controller root requests path. This path is a start point for all defined controllers handlers by method function. root will be concatenated with method's path
router Express.Router {} Router is base of controller
map Object {} Contains hash with all controllers routes, those handler callbacks and options

Instance methods #

Controller#before( callbacks ) #

Name Type Description
callbacks ...Array<routeHandler> List of middlewares which will be invoked before any path handler in controller. Can be useful for options presetting or checking of incoming data

Controller#param( name, expression ) #

Name Type Description
name string Name of param (definition equal to Express's param)
expression function Describing of parameter Name of param (definition equal to Express's param)

Controller#method( methods, [path, ] [options, ] callbacks ) #

Controller#method build on Express's router.METHOD and extends all possibilities.

Name Type Default Description
methods string, Array<string> none Name of HTTP(s) method. Can be presented by GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc in lowercase (equal to router.METHOD)
path URLPath / Path is a continuing of controller root and create a new route of requests
options Object {} Hash of specified controller options for route. Default value is a base options of current controller
callbacks ...Array<routerHandler> Handlers of request

Aliases of base HTTP methods: #

Controller#use( [path, ] callbacks ) #

Controller#use build on Express's router.use and extends all possibilities.

Name Type Default Description
path URLPath / Path is a continuing of controller root and create a new route of requests
callbacks ...Array<routerHandler> Handler(s) of request

Controller#end( ) #

Mark the end of controller route handlers definition - controller will send response.not_found() if cannot find any handler for current request.

By default go to next controller to find request handlers if controller.end() will not be invoked.

Examples #

without .end() #
const controller = app.Controller({
    name: 'controller',
    root: '/'
controller.get('/exists', (req, res) => res.ok('response by controller'));

const controller1 = app.Controller({
   name: 'controller1',
   root: '/'
controller1.get('/exists1', (req, res) => res.ok('response by controller1'));
curl /exists1   # -> status 200, "response by controller1"
with .end() #
const controller = app.Controller({
    name: 'controller',
    root: '/'
controller.get('/exists', (req, res) => res.ok('response by controller'));

const controller1 = app.Controller({
   name: 'controller1',
   root: '/'
controller1.get('/exists1', (req, res) => res.ok('response by controller1'));
curl /exists1   # -> status 404

Controller#error( custom_error_handler ) #

Name Type Description
custom_error_handler errorHandler Method will be invoked when instance of Error will be passed into next_hander() method of route handler. ifnode will search first error handler in parent controller if it cannot set in current controller or throw error in node.js if will not find any handler

Route handler additional properties #

request and response parameters of route handler are populated by useful custom options.

request additional properties #

Name Type Description
data Object, null "Syntax sugar" which request.body, request.query or null

response additional methods #

response.ok( [data] ) #
Name Type Description
data IFResponseData Set status 200 and return data
response.bad_request( [data] ) #
Name Type Description
data IFResponseData Set status 400 and return data or text "Bad Request"


response.unauthorized( [data] ) #
Name Type Description
data IFResponseData Set status 401 and return data
response.forbidden( [data] ) #
Name Type Description
data IFResponseData Set status 403 and return data
response.not_found( [data] ) #
Name Type Description
data IFResponseData Set status 404 and return data


response.error( [data] ) #
Name Type Description
data IFResponseData Set status 500 and return data or text "Server Internal Error"


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