Default config #

This is default ifnode config:

module.exports = {
    environment: 'local',
    site: {
        local: {
            host: 'localhost',
            port: 8080
        global: {
            host: 'localhost',
            port: 8080

    application: {
        express: {
            'env': 'local',
            'view engine': 'jade',
            'x-powered-by': false
        folders: {
            extensions:  '/path/to/project/protected/extensions/',
            components:  '/path/to/project/protected/components/',
            views:       '/path/to/project/protected/views/',
            controllers: '/path/to/project/protected/controllers/',
            models:      '/path/to/project/protected/models/'

    db: {
        virtual: {
            schema: 'virtual'

Properties can be extended or changed. Also can add own properties.

Special properties #

site #

Is special property where set application urls: local and global. Both build to special object with property origin and method url. Example:

// config/dev.js
site: {
    local: {
        port: 1010
    global: {
        host: ''
    ssl: {
        key: 'ssl/key.pem',
            cert: 'ssl/cert.pem'

// app.js
var app = ifnode({
        env: 'dev'
    site =;

site.local.origin;      // https://localhost:1010
site.local.url('/u/1'); // https://localhost:1010/u/1;     //'u/2'); //

application #

Application field contains settings for express.js core (list check here), path to application components folders and middleware.

components #

Any config has special property components, where set data for components. For example ifnode-auth:

    components: {
        auth: {
            userFieldId: 'email'
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