Component #

Description #

Component is a core class and a specific part of framework. Components system of ifnode directly use classes inherited from Component or instances of those classes. This classes are Singletons and will be automatically instancionate from child Component class (it can be single or more deeper inherited class). Each Component constructor will be injected by specific options (in general it name and configuration).

Instance of component will be created after invoke one of methods - app.load or app.component.

Definition #

JSDoc syntax #

 * @typedef {Object} ComponentOptions
 * @property {string}                   [name]
 * @property {string|Array.<string>}    [alias]
 * @property {Object}                   [config]

 * @class Component
 * @param {ComponentOptions}    [options]

TypeScript syntax #

interface ComponentOptions {
    name?: string,
    alias?: string|Array<string>,
    config?: Object

interface Component {
    id: string,
    name: string,
    alias: Array<string>,
    config: Object,
    new (options?: ComponentOptions)

Component#constructor( [options] ) #

Arguments #

Name Type Description
options ComponentOptions Options definition for component. Includes name of component, name aliases (can be string alias or array of string names) and specified configuration options

Instance properties #

Name Type Default Description
id string UUID v4 Unique value for each Component instance
name string Name of class Component's "human" name. This name will used by framework when component will be attached to Application instance (read more about components initializing here)
alias Array [] Component's name aliases. Those aliases will used by framework when component will be attached to Application instance (read more about components initializing here)
config Object {} Specified configuration options for component

Examples #

Creating of a simple component class:

  1. Component inherited class:

    • ES5:

      var Util = require('util');
      var Component = require('ifnode/core/Component');
      function MyComponent(options) {, options);
      Util.inherits(MyComponent, Component);
      MyComponent.prototype.plain = function() {
        return 'MyComponent#plain';
      module.exports = MyComponent;
    • ES6:

      const Util = require('util');
      const Component = require('ifnode/core/Component');
      class MyComponent extends Component {
        constructor(options) {
        plain() {
            return 'MyComponent#plain';
      module.exports = MyComponent;
  2. Double inheriting from Component:

    • ES5:

      var Util = require('util');
      var Component = require('ifnode/core/Component');
      function First(options) {, options);
      Util.inherits(First, Component);
      First.prototype.plain = function() {
        return 'Base#plain';
      function Second(options) {, options);
      Util.inherits(Second, First);
      Second.prototype.plain = function() {
        return + ', Second#plain';
      module.exports = Second;
    • ES6:

      const Util = require('util');
      const Component = require('ifnode/core/Component');
      class First extends Component {
        constructor(options) {
        plain() {
            return 'Base#plain';
      class Second extends First {
        constructor(options) {
        plain() {
            return `${super.plain()}, Second#plain`;
      module.exports = Second;
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