Model #

Description #

Model is a presentation of Data Access Layer on ifnode architecture and is a other core part in ifnode application. Model must be presented by some "mediator" (or Schema by ifnode's terminology) between ifnode application and external data access module.

Schema can be npm module (like ifnode-mongoose) or can be own application Schema which placed in extensions folder (f.e my-knex-mediator). Also ifnode has virtual schema which is default for any model.

More about ifnode models you can read here

Definition #

TypeScript syntax #

interface Model {
    new (model_options: Object, db_options?: Object)

Model#constructor( model_options [, db_options] ) #

Arguments #

model_options #

Options to create model instance. All options are specified by model's Schema. Example of model_options you can find on ifnode-mongoose module.

db_options #

Name Type Description
db string Set data connection from application configuration. It's one of application's connectors names (from app.config.db) or default virtual
alias string, Array<string> Aliases of model. They will be attached to app.models

Create own Schema #

Schema can be created by exporting special method schema from module. Method has two arguments app and Schema.

app is an instance of current application, Schema is class for creating model instances and it must to be extended

Schema class #

Schema has predefined methods and properties. Below list of them.

Static properties and methods #

Note: required mark means that method or setter must to be realized or set, optional is not required for definiton

Schema.schema (required) #

It is a setter property and it name of the Schema. Name must to be set.

Name is used by db configuration (schema option) for picking required Schema.

Schema.driver( config ) (optional) #

Method is used by setting up Schema's driver. Driver can be presented by some npm or internal module. Argument config gets from db configuration (config option).

Instance properties and methods #

Property #
Name Type Description
_driver any Driver instance. There is same as returned value from static driver method

Note: _driver will be attached automatically to instance by ifnode

Methods #

Note: methods must to be defined across prototype property

Schema#initialize( model_config ) (required) #

Method of creating model instance which will be returned by app.Model. Argument model_config is first argument of app.Model invoking.


Schema#compile() (required) #

Building of final model instance which will be attached to app.models.

Example of usage #
// own-schema.js
exports.schema = function(app, Schema) {
    Schema.schema = 'name-of-schema';
    Schema.driver = function(db_config) {
        // driver initialize
        return SomeDriverFactory(db_config);

    Schema.prototype.initialize = function(model_config) {
        // model instance initialize
        this.data_accessor = this._driver(model_config);
    Schema.prototype.compile = function() {
        // returns model instance which accessed by app.models[name]
        return this;
My Knex Mediator #

Simple schema to provide connection between knex module and ifnode application:

// protected/extensions/my-knex-mediator.js
'use strict';
const Knex = require('knex');

exports.schema = function(app, KnexSchema) {
    KnexSchema.schema = 'my-knex-mediator';
    KnexSchema.driver = function(db_config) {
        return Knex(db_config);

    KnexSchema.prototype.initialize = function(model_config) {
        this.table = model_config.table;
        this.driver = this._driver;

        this.all = function() {
            return this.driver(this.table);
    KnexSchema.prototype.compile = function() {
        return this;
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